Thursday, December 6, 2007

why must I start setting goals

If there is one message I must get across, it is this. You must start setting goals in every major area of your life. Right now, whatever your age, whatever you are doing.

Without something to focus on, the decisions we make and actions we take daily will not have any long-term direction, and will not result in any kind of achievement.

Without direction, we will be caught up with short term outcomes like paying the bills, watching TV, going shopping, trying out the newest restaurant, avoiding problems or simply making it through one hectic week after another. Like rats on a treadmill. We will tend to be caught up in a stressed and monotonous existence instead of designing a destiny and truly living.
The human mind is always pursing some kind of goal, however feeble. If we don't focus our mind on long term goals that lead us to success, our minds will tend to focus on short term and small goals that serve only to distract us and waste our time.

I always like to use a river as a metaphor for life. We are all in our boats moving down this raging river which splits into many tributaries downstream, representing the many outcomes. Which tributary we take will determine where we end up.

When we are clear which stream we want to take, we will begin rowing in that direction. Now, along the way, there are definitely going to be currents that pull us in different directions.
There are going to be rocks and rapids that block our path. But if we stay focused on where we want to go, we will just keep rowing steadfastly, re-directing our boat until we get to our destination.

However, if we go through life without any clear idea of where we are going and where we want to end up, we will just row our boats aimlessly. We will just allow the currents and the rocks to move us in all directions.

This is what happens to most people. There end up going down a stream that they don't want to be in. When they finally realize that it is not an outcome they want, they start paddling hard to avoid it. By this time, for many, it will be too late.

They go over the rapids (disaster) or finish up in a dead-end mill pond. They end up feeling frustrated, disillusioned and unfulfilled in the many different areas of their life. So, surely it is time to start deciding where you want to end up in your river of life!

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his supercharged success secrets and claim your FREE bonus report 'Supercharge

Your Success!' at Success With NLP.
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Three Major Keys to Powerful Goals

Are you ready to sit down and start designing the kind of life you want? Before we get started, there are three major keys that every one of your goals must have.
They must be:

1) Be Specific & Measurable
The more specific you are, the more focused your mind and efforts will be. Specific and measurable outcomes will lead to effective strategies and actions. If you want your health to improve, you must set specific and measurable targets such as 'how much weight do I want to lose?'

'What pulse rate do I want to achieve' 'what is my targeted body-fat ratio?' 'How many hours must I spend in the gym each week?' 'How many calories will I allow myself to take in a day?' 'How many miles should I run or how many laps must I swim at each session and how many times a week ?
Under personal development goals, you may want to set goals such as 'What new languages do I want to learn? And to what standard?' 'How many books do I want to read each month, and in what areas?' You must also be specific about the time frame you are giving to each goal and list a specific date of accomplishment.

2) Passionate and Exciting
Have you ever been so passionate and excited about doing or achieving something that it kept you awake all night? You kept thinking about it every waking moment? Maybe it was your first trip to an exciting new destination. It could also be participating in an important tournament, meeting that special person or planning your 21st, 30th, 40th birthday celebration.
When we are passionate about achieving something vitally important to us, it gives us a level of energy and focus that cannot be matched. It is this level of passion and excitement that we must have for our goal(s), if we ever want to achieve it!
When people ask me, 'Where do you get the energy and discipline to keep writing books, developing seminars and starting new companies?', I reply by saying that I get so passionate and excited about my goals, to the extent that they charge me up continuously.
I sleep, breathe and dream my goals every single day until they are achieved! Then I set a new one, at a higher level!
When people seem to lack discipline or will power, it is not that they are lazy, it is simply because their goals are not exciting enough for them. They are not passionate about what they want to achieve!
Tiger Woods loves to play golf. Donald Trump loves the art of the deal, Steven Spielberg loves to make larger-than-life movies and Bill Gates loves technology and the idea of shaping the world. Even if they had all the money in the world (which they do), they would still be as obsessed with their goals.
So, you must set goals that you are passionate about. How? Simply ask yourself this question, 'Even if I had $10 billion, what would I still want to do and accomplish? What would I be willing to do for free if I had all the money in the world?'
Write down what you are truly passionate about and what comes from your heart rather than just from your mind.

3) Stretch Goals for Quantum Results
Most people I know tend to subscribe to setting for themselves merely incremental goals. Incremental goals are goals that are slightly higher than what you are currently achieving. For example, if you were making $2000 a month in income, an incremental goal would be $2500.
A stretch goal, on the other hand, is when you set for yourself an outcome that is way beyond your current level of ability and skill. If you were making $2000 a month, an example of a stretch goal would be one aiming for $10,000 a month.
I believe that the most powerful goals you can set are stretch goals. This was a key ingredient that allowed me to achieve so much within such a short period of time.

Use these 3 keys and your goals will propel you towards the success you deserve in life!

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his supercharged success secrets and claim your FREE bonus report 'Supercharge Your Success!' at Success With NLP.

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Goals - Accountability

We are goal-oriented animals. Our mind needs a focus to target. Without a focus, our mind wanders around. Achieving goals gives a sense of self-esteem and satisfaction, which cannot be obtained anywhere else. To feel good because we have done something we were aiming for is a great feeling. It is a medicine for our mind. It gives us new vigor and new joy. When we feel good about ourselves, negativities go out from the mind.
Setting Goals-

Set small goals that are achievable. Do not set high goals to begin with. If you fail to achieve them, you will feel bad. After setting these goals, write them and keep the paper with you most of the times. Do write the time frame in which you want to achieve these goals. Without time frame a goal makes no sense. If I say that I want to loose 10 KGs. of my weight it makes no sense unless I add that I want to do it in next three months.

Now comes accountability. After you have set the goals, find out your progress over a time frame. Monitor it. Wherever you feel you are slack you need to re tighten your belt and work harder. After end of the period, find out how much did you achieve. Compare that with your goals. What are your results? If you have lost 5 KGs. though your goal was 10 KGs. what would you fel? You feel great, because you reached half the way. Reaching half the way is better than not beginning at all.

Setting goals and becoming accountable to them is one of the best ways to develop. As I said earlier setting highly unrealistic goals may dampen your spirit because they will always look unattainable. If you set realistic but ambitious goals, you will feel good monitoring them.

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Set Goals, Reach Goals

When was the last time you wrote down goals? Maybe you've gotten discouraged in the past - you barely have time to read your mail, let alone accomplish new goals. But what if you knew you would succeed? Would it be a worthwhile endeavor to lose 20 pounds, learn a new skill, or travel to a new country?

Here are four keys to setting goals and actually reaching them:

1. Set aside a special time every year to write down your goals. Make this a tradition or else you will get too busy. Try writing your goals between Christmas and December 31, so you can share them with your family on January 1. Wouldn't it be wonderful for your children to grow up hearing about your goals and aspirations? What an impression it will make on them to watch you achieve your goals each year.

If the holidays are too busy, try goal setting in August before the school year begins or select another date. The key is consistency. Have the same day set aside for goal setting each year. That day will also become a celebration for the goals achieved the previous year.

2. Write sensible, well balanced goals. If you don't exercise much, the Boston marathon isn't a very smart goal. But working out five days a week sure is! Try writing one goal for each of the following areas: spiritual, family, business, financial and personal.

3. Put your goals where you will see them often. If you write goals and then put them away for the rest of the year, chances are you won't do much with them. But if you tape them on your bathroom mirror, read them every night before you go to bed, or have them in your daily calendar, you'll be more apt to achieve them.

4. Break down your goals in doable steps. Let's use the example of working out five days a week. If you've never exercised before, five times a week will seem impossible. So start with working out every Wednesday for a month. After you get used to that, add Fridays. As you create a new normal for your exercise regimen, you'll be able to add more workouts with greater ease.
Goal setting is a wonderful opportunity to push yourself to the next level. No one wants to die with their music inside. Set goals and reach them - you will be an inspiration to your family and so many others!

Today's Action Step: When will you write down your goals? Set a specific date, time and location.

Arlene Pellicane, mother of a toddler and infant, helps women lose their baby weight and thrive as wives and mothers. Her weekly podcast "Losing Weight After Baby" is full of practical ideas that work for busy moms. An everyday mom herself, you can visit Arlene's website for free articles and exercises at
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