Thursday, December 6, 2007

Set Goals, Reach Goals

When was the last time you wrote down goals? Maybe you've gotten discouraged in the past - you barely have time to read your mail, let alone accomplish new goals. But what if you knew you would succeed? Would it be a worthwhile endeavor to lose 20 pounds, learn a new skill, or travel to a new country?

Here are four keys to setting goals and actually reaching them:

1. Set aside a special time every year to write down your goals. Make this a tradition or else you will get too busy. Try writing your goals between Christmas and December 31, so you can share them with your family on January 1. Wouldn't it be wonderful for your children to grow up hearing about your goals and aspirations? What an impression it will make on them to watch you achieve your goals each year.

If the holidays are too busy, try goal setting in August before the school year begins or select another date. The key is consistency. Have the same day set aside for goal setting each year. That day will also become a celebration for the goals achieved the previous year.

2. Write sensible, well balanced goals. If you don't exercise much, the Boston marathon isn't a very smart goal. But working out five days a week sure is! Try writing one goal for each of the following areas: spiritual, family, business, financial and personal.

3. Put your goals where you will see them often. If you write goals and then put them away for the rest of the year, chances are you won't do much with them. But if you tape them on your bathroom mirror, read them every night before you go to bed, or have them in your daily calendar, you'll be more apt to achieve them.

4. Break down your goals in doable steps. Let's use the example of working out five days a week. If you've never exercised before, five times a week will seem impossible. So start with working out every Wednesday for a month. After you get used to that, add Fridays. As you create a new normal for your exercise regimen, you'll be able to add more workouts with greater ease.
Goal setting is a wonderful opportunity to push yourself to the next level. No one wants to die with their music inside. Set goals and reach them - you will be an inspiration to your family and so many others!

Today's Action Step: When will you write down your goals? Set a specific date, time and location.

Arlene Pellicane, mother of a toddler and infant, helps women lose their baby weight and thrive as wives and mothers. Her weekly podcast "Losing Weight After Baby" is full of practical ideas that work for busy moms. An everyday mom herself, you can visit Arlene's website for free articles and exercises at
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